Woodcuts: Around the Frisian Churches

B.C. Epker, FZ Engwierum, 2016
woodcut, image size 51,5 x 69,5 cm

B.C. Epker, A Prince at Voorst, 2016
woodcut, image size 52 x 98,5 cm

B.C. Epker, Lake of Raard, 2015
woodcut, image size 51,5 x 69,5 cm

B.C. Epker, Mariengaarderweg at Hallum, 2016
woodcut, image size 50,2 x 89 cm

B.C. Epker, Untitled, 2016
woodcut, image size 41,5 x 75 cm

B.C. Epker, Untitled, 2016
woodcut, image size 41,5 x 75 cm